The CL speed season so far in 2023 and competition results

By | May 29, 2023

Three CL speed meetings have been held in the UK so far during the 2023 season,  two at Barton and one at Buckminster. Pulse jets tend to be the most popular models flown at Barton and F2A and 12’s are the main models flown at Buckminster.

The 12 models which are all based on F2A models are being refined and speeds are either at record levels or very close to these. There will be some informative articles in Aeromodeller on the 12 models with engine articles by Peter Halman, look out for these articles.

Speed flying in the UK is very accessible with two great and competitive classes in Sport Jet and 12 being regularly flown, equipment is available and ‘how to do’ articles are being published. Never a better time to get in the circle.

Category: General

About Barrie Lever

I am a committed competition modeller, flying RC pylon since 1978 and additionally control line since 2017, although I had held a latent interest in CL speed for decades. I like to make as much of my competition models myself as is possible, this often involves teaming up with other like minded competitors to share the workload.